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We make financing possible for real estate investors
Qualified applicants can get an offer in minutes. Close in as little as 10 days on a 1 to 2 year hard money loan. Borrow up to 65% of the property value.
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Why customers love
working with us
Instant letter of intent
Generate an LOI in minutes for your investment property
Simple and fast
Apply in minutes and qualify with minimal income documentation
Here to help
We work with our clients to find a loan solution that works for them
What customers are
saying about us
“Milo's online application process is seamless. We were able to close on our home purchase in record timing - 4 weeks!”
Mitch W.
U.S. consumer
“Pleasure working with Milo. They provided such a fantastic experience. Would highly recommend!”
Linda L.
U.S. consumer
“Milo rocks! Highly recommend their loan services, worthy of a 10-star rating!”
Vincent B.
U.S. consumer
Mortgage closing times can vary based on various factors, including but not limited to the complexity of the mortgage application, the responsiveness of involved parties, unforeseen underwriting issues, and market conditions. While every effort is made to expedite the mortgage closing process, it is essential to consider that individual circumstances may lead to longer closing times beyond the 30-day period.